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“Thank you Martine. I have no

idea what prompted me to get

help from you but I I'm glad

you do what you do. Thank you!”
P., UT.

Saved over $ 80K and a lawsuit

Working with Martine was life changing for our family.  We had been paying out of pocket for services that should have been covered by insurance and had gotten nowhere working with the insurance company directly.  Martine knew all their tricks and ultimately was able to get our family reimbursed.  There were a few times we felt like giving up but she stuck with it and ultimately we got what we were owed.  Highly recommend Martine to other families.  

Laura z.   saved over $ 75K

Martine will fight for you!  I needed a procedure performed by an out-of-state doctor because he had the most experience with this rare disease.  At first, I was told that my insurance would cover it.  However, I found out later that my insurance would not cover it even though it was medically necessary and there were no in-state doctors that had any experience.  Speaking to the insurance customer service agent every day got me nowhere.  I felt helpless and lost.  Thankfully, I found Martine and from the very start, after hearing my case, her mission was to get my procedure approved.  She worked night and day, and even on her vacation days, as my surgery was scheduled 3 weeks out and time was of the essence.  She was knowledgeable in navigating the approval process and based on her experience, knew whom she needed to speak to.  It was not an easy road for her, and she was able to find solutions for every obstacle she faced.  Martine also allowed me to focus on my health as she fought the red tape.  Martine is the medical advocate every person needs!   To this day, all I know is that whatever magic she pulled, I am eternally grateful that she was by my side.  Thank you so much, Martine, for working so diligently on my case.  I know that I would not have received the outcome I wanted without you!  


J.C., CA

Saved over $300K

“I asked around for over a year to so many attorneys, friends, and no one helped or guided me other than Pay Up! I really want to thank you for your expert knowledge and rapid resolve of this issue.”   M., CA.

                                             Saved over 500K

Your talents have been amazing and

our family is so grateful! I will gladly extend your name out to whomever I see that has a need for you!

E., CA

                   Mom's Estate saved over 600K

I highly recommend Martine! She is so very knowledgeable about medical billing and can explain complex billing in a way that is understandable. She’s communicative and professional. So glad to have found her!


Thanks Martine.  Your services are extraordinary and the peace of mind you have brought

me is immeasurable!”

T., CA

Long time Client

I recently referred one of my patient advocacy clients to Martine. My client needed an advocate with significant expertise in medical billing issues and negotiations. Martine stepped in and resolved the billing issue quickly and efficiently. I am so thankful that Martine was able to help my client and negotiate a fair price for her medical bill. I highly recommend Martine and her services!


Ashley Abuel, BSN, RN, BCPA 

Fellow Patient Advocate

You’ve done a wonderful job. And it wasn’t easy.

Truly magnificent.


Thanks, as always.

B., CA - 

Contact Me

Thank you!

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